
We are a team of occupational health specialists committed to delivering high quality provision to your employees.

Our aim is to support your business in getting the best from your employees and ensure they are best placed to undertake their role safely and effectively.

What are the benefits of Occupational Health?

“Stable employment is important to good health and we argue employment should be seen as a health outcome in and of itself. The longer an employee is off work the more difficult it is to return successfully. From a patient perspective, it is in their best interest to have a conversation sooner of later about how they might best return to work.”

Those aren’t our words, they are the words of the organisations, FOM (The Faculty of Occupational Medicine) and SOM (The Society of Occupational Medicine). Together, they have created a website called: www.whyoccupationalhealth.co.uk which campaigns for a healthier workforce. If you would like to know more about the benefits of occupational health, we recommend you visit the site. Or alternatively, please feel free to contact us .


“COHS provide occupational health services to Chorus Education Trust, we find the whole team to be professional, responsive and supportive and would highly recommend their services.”

Chorus Education Trust